How to Delete All Tweets Before a Certain Date

There are various reasons why you would want to delete all tweets from a specific date range. These reasons are tied to the evolving nature of a user’s online presence, from personal circumstances, privacy or preserving digital identity. Whatever the reason, you might want to delete all tweets within or before a specific date range. You can erase tweets before a specific date in two ways.

The first is to use X’s advanced search feature. Here’s how to delete X posts within a date range on the platform:

  • Go to your X account sign-in page. Once you are signed in, tap on your profile picture to visit your page.
  • Search for a specific term in the search function.
  • Click on the “Advanced search” option.
  • Re-enter the particular term to search.
  • Enter your X handle in the “From these accounts” box.
  • Scroll down to the bottom to find the “Dates” section.
  • Enter your date range.
  • Press the “Search” button.

Your own tweets will populate. Once they do, delete them individually. At this time, X does not offer this feature via apps. Additionally, the platform does not have the ability to delete all posts on X at once.

The other way to delete all X posts within a date range is to enlist the help of a third-party tool. If you have several tweets to erase, a tool like TweetEraser is your best friend. All you have to do is set the parameters of your deletion. The tool will do the rest of the work.

TweetEraser's illustration of a woman pointing out how to use X's search feature to find old tweets.

How to Delete Old Tweets Using Keywords

If you’re wondering if you can delete old Twitter posts using keywords, you absolutely can. It’s one of the easiest ways to filter and search for old tweets to delete. To delete old tweets using keywords, you will need to utilize X advanced search features. This means you’ll have to put your phone down and head to the computer.

The steps are the same as the ones we’ve touched on. However, you want to focus heavily on the keywords you enter into the search box. Search for multiple keywords and phrases associated with your primary search term. This is especially helpful if the tweets you want to erase are years old. For example, if you want to delete anything related to coffee, enter phrases like “cafe,” “java,” coffeeshop,” etc. This ensures that anything associated with your primary search term populates.

When your tweets populate, you have to delete them individually. Or, use a third-party tool to search for specific keywords and delete en masse.

Can I Mass Delete Tweets

Yes, you can mass-delete tweets. However, it’s a task that X can’t help you with. Currently, there isn’t a native way for X to delete all tweets on the social media platform. This means if you want to delete a substantial number of tweets on Twitter, you have to do it individually. The process is time-consuming and tedious.

However, that’s where third-party tools like TweetEraser step in to save the day as an X post deleter. These bulk deletion tools offer a quick and easy way to delete multiple tweets simultaneously. Furthermore, it’s a good option if you have concerns about privacy or want to start over with your account. Depending on the plan offered, you can delete a set number of tweets per month. Some services allow you to erase all your tweets at once.

TweetEraser's illustration of a woman sitting on a giant blue trash can on her computer, deleting all her X posts.

TweetEraser FAQs

We know that navigating new information or processes is sometimes challenging. So, we’ve compiled a list of commonly asked questions about deleting tweets and using TweetEraser. From the basics to the nuances, you’ll find answers here. Our goal is to empower you with knowledge about how to delete X posts. So, if you can’t find the information you need, contact our support team for personalized assistance. They are eager to help out.

After you delete all tweets and replies, you might notice they still appear on your Twitter timeline. In fact, they might for a period of time. The first factor to keep in mind is display lag. Sometimes, there is a slight delay between when you delete a tweet and when the change is reflected. Display lag might last a few minutes or longer. It depends on technical factors. Another reason is synchronization. Especially if you use multiple devices. It may take some time for all your devices to sync up and reflect changes made on one device. Exercise patience, and after a while, if the tweets and replies are still on your account, reach out for assistance. If you deleted tweets from X directly, reach out to their customer support team. For tweets deleted through TweetEraser, contact our customer service.

Do you ask yourself, “Can I delete X tweets and keep my account?” If so, we’re happy to resolve your dilemma. You can certainly keep your X account and eliminate all your previous texts. Regardless of how many tweets you have on your account, there’s a TweetEraser plan to erase all your posts. Here’s a breakdown of our plans and how many tweets you can delete with each one.
  • Beginner Plan: 500 tweet deletions and 500 like deletions per month.
  • Advanced Plan: 3,200 tweet deletions and 3,200 like deletions per month.
  • Expert Plan: Delete all your tweets and likes when you upload your Twitter archive.

As you can see, there’s a plan for everyone, regardless of your Twitter usage.

If you have a clean X account but still see a tweet count, there are a few reasons why. First, if you retweet a tweet, it still counts toward your tweet count. Next, if you reply to a tweet, your reply counts toward your tweet count. Last, X might index your tweets. It takes time for X to remove your tweet from its index. During this time, the tweet count on your profile might be inaccurate. Recheck your tweet count in a few days after your deletion for accuracy.

We encourage you to request your X archive if you want to save and browse your deleted tweets. Once you delete all your tweets, they are not recoverable. However, archival sites like the Wayback Machine may keep a copy of your X account. But it’s not a guarantee. If you want the ability to view your deleted tweets, request and download your Twitter archive for safekeeping. Note that if you set your profile to private, online archives don’t have access to your tweets. Therefore, they may not appear.

If you are the author of a tweet and decide to delete it, a few things happen to its retweets. First, the original tweet is no longer accessible on your profile. Furthermore, X removes it from the timeline of your followers. This includes likes and retweets associated with the original tweet. Next, retweets of the deleted tweet continue to exist in the timelines of users who retweeted it. However, instead of seeing the full tweet, it’s replaced by a message explaining that the original tweet is unavailable.

You can delete tweets as long as you are the original author or creator. However, if you have retweeted another user's post, you cannot delete the original tweet.