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Twitter Archive Eraser: The Easiest Way to Clear Tweets

Ochai Emmanuel

May 27, 2023 | 9 min read

After some time, many Twitter users admit they shouldn’t have said things as they did. Some concede that they should at least have said things in a better way. Unfortunately, Twitter only recently added an edit button, allowing verified Tweeps to edit tweets within 30 minutes after publishing them. So, the obvious solution in most cases is to delete the bulk of your Tweets. Now, that is where the Twitter Archive Eraser comes in.

Many tools on the internet allow users to delete their Twitter posts. However, most of these tools have features that pose limitations. On the other hand, other tools make it easier to complete this action. Twitter Archive Eraser is one of these tools. So, here are the answers to your questions about the web tool.

An image of a black phone in a blurred background with Twitter’s blue screen open.

Is Twitter Archive Eraser Safe?

Even when users troop to an online tool, safety concerns always exist. The Twitter Archive Eraser isn’t an exception in this case. Despite its widespread usage, there continue to be questions about its safety level. Old and potential users are usually concerned about protecting their privacy and their personal Twitter data. So, it brings us to the question, is Twitter Archive Eraser safe?

What is Twitter Archive Eraser All About?

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The application Twitter Archive Eraser allows Twitter users to delete old tweets no matter when they publish them. The tool allows users to delete thousands of tweets, even from over 12 years ago. This tool also provides a user interface that functions like Excel sheets. It permits you to browse many tweets, filter them and delete those you do not need.

The system requires you to authenticate automatically on the Twitter website to sign in to Twitter Archive Eraser. Next, you should load your archive and select your tweets by their dates. Even large-sized archives load within less than a minute. Finally, search your tweets, filter them, and choose the ones you want to delete.

This application bypasses Twitter’s 3,200 tweets deletion limit. The tweets eraser removes tweets in real time. The application is available for Mac OS and Windows and offers free and paid editions. The free versions allow users to preview the app and enjoy limited features. From here, they can purchase premium plans of their preference.

Well, this application does not only focus on tweets. It also allows users to clear their direct messages and liked tweets. It removes direct messages created after 2014 and can delete thousands of them. The app also allows you to synchronize and save your best tweets while removing others. The tool lets users draw their best-performing tweets and delete the rest. The archive eraser lets users sync up to 2,000 tweets per second, view their stats, and take action.

How Safe is Twitter Archive Eraser?

The developers of this tool have placed so much emphasis on its safety and integrity. The Twitter Archive Eraser application runs entirely on the user’s computer. Also, the design prevents the user’s Twitter archive data from escaping your computer. So, this data doesn’t even run through the application servers, totally remaining within the safety of Twitter.

This local-running feature also prevents hackers from getting wind of user data. Not surprisingly, hackers have compromised other tweet-deleting services before, gaining access to the data of a lot of users. Twitter Archive Eraser’s system has dealt with this possibility.

Apart from its proven safety levels, users have lauded the tool’s performance. It can load your archive within seconds while sorting through tweets at once. The app can remove up to 3,000 tweets per minute at optimal performance.

According to the developers, over a million users have used this application. These users have removed over 3.5 billion tweets, which are still soaring. One can only confirm that this emphasizes the quality of services that Tweeps keeps enjoying. That notwithstanding, the application has kept improving despite the constant changes to Twitter’s API and archive formats.

Twitter Archive Eraser Premium

Although the free version of Twitter Archive Eraser offers some valuable features, it is still pretty limited. For this reason, subscription plans are essential for people who prefer improved features and flexibility. While other users would go for the Premium plan, others would go for a lesser-paid one. That notwithstanding, users looking to get a subscription are always concerned about what the Twitter Archive Eraser Premium plan offers. Let’s dive into that.

A photograph of a bond paper on a typewriter with the print “TWITTER ARCHIVE”.

What Does this Premium Plan Offer?

The Premium plan is Twitter Archive Eraser’s highest subscription tier. This plan costs $39 and permits users to delete unlimited weekly tweets. The plan also allows users to remove tweets made over 12 years ago. With this plan, you can choose tweets by the dates you posted them and browse your entire archive.

As a subscriber to this archive eraser’s premium tier, you can effortlessly search through your archive using keywords. It also allows you to search regexes, users, and mentions. By this, you can filter through your tweets in one click and keep your best tweets if you want to.

This plan lets you filter posts by tweet and media types, selecting retweets, images, videos, and GIFs. You can also synchronize and update your retweets while monitoring your favorites. A single Twitter Archive Eraser Premium subscription is valid for a year.

What About the Advanced Plan?

The advanced version of the Twitter Archive Eraser carries fewer features than the premium version. This tier is $19 per year and is better for newer Twitter accounts with tens of thousands of tweets. The advanced plan allows users to remove 5,000 tweets weekly and erase tweets going back four years.

A closeup image of the Twitter icon on a mobile phone screen.

To clear Twitter archives, Tweeps can select tweets based on dates. They can also go through their entire archive and search keywords, regexes, mentions, and users. Also, the tier permits users to easily filter their best tweets, keep those they want and remove the rest.

Additionally, as a subscriber to this plan, you can filter your tweets by type. Here, you can choose to clear retweets or threads. Also, you can filter tweets by the kind of media attachment. This means that you can select videos, images, or GIFs.

Why Choose the Twitter Archive Eraser’s Premium Plan Over Basic Plan Offer?

The basic plan is the simplest paid plan on the list; it is the tier with the least features. This plan goes for $9 per year. It is best for new Twitter accounts with only a few thousand tweets. It permits users to delete 2,000 tweets per week and only works for tweets made two years or earlier.

However, this plan also allows users to select tweets based on dates and search and browse their entire archive. Users can also search keywords, users, mentions, and regexes in their archives. This allows them to trace specific tweets and remove them.

Is the Twitter Archive Eraser Cracked?

Many paid tools on the internet have cracked versions. Well, cracked versions of applications offer their paid features for free. So, many users turn to these versions to avoid subscription costs. Again, while other users pay for their Premium plans, others simply wait for pirates to release those cracked versions. Recently, there have been questions regarding the integrity of this application. This brings us to the topic, is the Twitter Archive Eraser cracked?

A photo of a woman working on her MacBook with an open book on the table.

Is There a Cracked Version of the Twitter Archive Eraser?

There isn’t a cracked version of the Twitter Archive Eraser on the internet yet. This means that users would have to get a subscription before they’d be able to enjoy its paid features. Otherwise, these users would stick to the limited features of the free version.

Fortunately, several other apps on the internet offer similar services. Many of these applications also serve users without paid subscriptions, while others are free. TweetEraser, Circleboom, and others offer free tweet deletion services while providing paid features.

Removing Your Twitter Archive for Free

You do not necessarily have to pay to clear your Twitter archives. Well, paid tools like the Twitter Archive Eraser help to make the job considerably more manageable. However, you can still complete this action using several free tools on the internet.

A picture of a modern home office with a laptop computer and a desktop setup.

Circleboom is a popular web application for removing entire Twitter archives for free. This Twitter management tool lets users delete their archives and view their account analytics. The tool also permits users to clear all the history on the platform. This includes removing liked tweets and retweets.

To delete your Twitter archive using Circleboom, you’ll first have to download your Twitter archive from Twitter. Next, you’ll have to upload this archive to the Circleboom website, where the tool deletes them automatically. However, depending on your direct preferences, you can still filter your tweets first.

Once you’ve uploaded the archive, you can remove your Twitter archive immediately. This tool also permits users to delete tweets by dates made and remove ones carrying specific keywords. Another option would be to delete tweets containing media files like videos, images, and GIFs. Deleting your Twitter archives with  Circleboom automatically deletes even your Twitter mentions.

Another web tool for deleting Twitter archives is Twitwipe. Although it takes some time, this tool efficiently “Twitwipes” your account, removing every post you’ve ever made. You’ll have to authenticate your account to use it, thereby giving it access. After the Twitter Archive Eraser, Twitwipe is one of the most efficient tools for deleting Twitter archives.

At TweetEraser, we’ve created a straightforward web application that assists in filtering and removing bulk tweets. This application also helps to load and import tweets and archives, allowing users to delete them with a tap. TweetEraser does not clog your timeline with promotional content. Start filtering and cleaning your Twitter timeline today!

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