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Social Media Presence: Building a Solid Brand Online

An artistic image showing various social media logos on a brown background with “SOCIAL” written below the logos.

When we talk about social media platforms, there are some people you involuntarily remember immediately. Popular people on specific platforms exert significant influence there. These have invested in building a social media presence, and their popularity and influence are the results. Businesses and brands also benefit from a reliable online presence, facilitating a smoother interaction … Read more

Twitter Safe Search: How To Navigate This Feature on X

A picture of a phone beside a cup on a table displaying the Twitter welcome screen.

Despite being a mainstream social media platform, Twitter, now called X, permits the distribution of sensitive content. However, the company does not promote this type of content indiscriminately. For instance, its safe search feature allows users to choose whether to access this type of content or not. However, several questions exist about the Twitter safe … Read more