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Twitter Affiliate Marketing: How To Maximize This  Model

A picture of a person going through graphs on a tablet.

Social media platforms like Twitter are fast transitioning into centers of marketing and hubs for growing businesses. Most of these platforms are developing ways to grow brands, earn an income, and boost marketing operations. For instance, Twitter affiliate marketing has offered a consistent way for people to monetize their accounts. However, this marketing model is … Read more

How Do I Find Someone on Twitter Without Username Easily?

A hashtag containing Nike’s “Just Do It” tagline, spray painted on a black wall.

Whether you want to connect with friends, influencers, celebrities or professionals, chances are you’ll find them on Twitter. After all, there are 237.8 million users on Twitter who are monetizable. In other words, this is the number of unique accounts on the platform. Also, Twitter has a search function, which allows you to find anything … Read more

Twitter Content Warning: The Ultimate Guide

A screenshot of Twitter's homepage with a left side panel displaying the options "profile, more, and tweet," amongst others.

Twitter filters the information users share on the app. This is because it aims to protect the millions of users that browse it daily. For instance, the content warning feature shields tweeps from viewing excessively violent, gory, or NSFW media displaying gross sexual acts. So, violating any of the company’s media rules or policies triggers … Read more

How to Tag on Twitter: Correctly Using This Feature

A picture of a gray tag on a white surface.

Over the years, many social media platforms have developed new features, with some improving features from other platforms. For instance, the introduction of tagging to social media has become more popular over the past few years. Tagging is vital on many social media platforms, including Twitter, allowing tweeps to include others in their posts. Despite … Read more

Can You Follow Hashtags on Twitter? All You Need To Know

A picture of a frame with the inscription “#TWITTER.”

Although hashtags became popular a little after social media became mainstream, many people still think they’ve been around forever. Hashtags are one of social media platforms’ most widely used features today. These tags, marked with a hash symbol and words to go along, are useful identifiers for different topics and discussions. These elements are inherent … Read more