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Twitter Professional Account: Every Detail About the Feature

A picture of someone holding an iPhone displaying their Twitter feed.

Social media has grown past simple interactions and sharing of updates about day-to-day life. It is now an essential space for building businesses and promoting brands, products, and services. Twitter is not exempt from this recent development. Recently, the platform created an option for users keen on promoting themselves, their businesses, and their brands: the … Read more

Twitter Account Suspended: Discover All the Details

A picture of a person holding a phone with the Twitter logo on its screen.

Like other social media platforms, Twitter has provided several rules and guidelines for users to adhere to. These rules regulate users’ conduct on the platform, ensuring that people respect others. The guidelines also ensure that users do not share content that poses harm. Consequently, the social media service places different measures against events of guideline … Read more

How To Make Twitter Account Private: Limiting Viewer Access

A picture of a smartphone displaying the Google search page.

After joining Twitter, the social media service automatically makes your account public. For this reason, any user on the platform can access your profile and view your tweets. However, some users oppose keeping their thoughts and affairs in public view. These users choose to maintain controlled audiences and peers. Luckily, the platform allows users to … Read more