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Request your Twitter data ZIP

Well, that is very simple and similar to Request your Twitter archive. Click the your small account icon (top right) and select the menu item “Settings and privacy“. On the next click on the menu item called “Your Twitter data“. Now it might be possible that you need to add your account password. If done, scroll … Read more

Twitter Archive Versus Twitter Data: What’s the Difference?

Twitter archive

You’ve probably heard the terms data and archive float around the internet. While online data and archives go hand in hand, they aren’t the same thing. If you are interested in looking at your Twitter history you’ll need to know the difference. Let’s dive in and discuss the difference between Twitter data and your Twitter … Read more

TweetEraser now on 280 characters

As you know, since a few days Twitter has rolled out the new feature, which allows to write tweets with up to 280 characters, to all Twitter user world wide. More information about that you’ll find e.g. at Mashable. Or just do a Google search like twitter, 280 characters. One maybe think if that new feature … Read more

TweetEraser search filter

Probably you might thing “How to use search filter” WTF – how complicated could it be? Well, I think isn’t complicated at all. But at least I would like to tell you a bit about what kind of search options are available and how you could improve your search results by using them. After you … Read more

TweetEraser System Settings

Currently there are not that much settings at TweetEraser.  The most important setting will allow you either to delete your tweets directly or put them into a queue and let them being deleted by a recurrently running system job. Go to the settings page and lets have a look at the top panel. There are … Read more

How to Request Twitter Archive In A Few Easy Steps

There are many reasons why you would want to request and download your Twitter archive. You might want to cancel your account and have a smaller social media presence. Or, you just want to sift through all your tweets, direct messages and other data. Whatever your reason for wanting to request and download your Twitter … Read more

Upload your Twitter archive

  After you reached successful the TweetEraser statuses page and your last most recent tweets has been loaded you’ll see at the top of the page the stauses menu.     Before you can upload your Twitter archive into TweetEraser you have to request your archive from Twitter. Just go to your Twitter account settings, … Read more

Get started with TweetEraser

On almost each of the pages of TweetEraser you’ll find top centered a button called “Sign in with Twitter“. Just click that button and use your Twitter credentials for a login. TweetEraser will forward you to the Twitter login page. TweetEraser itself does not need your Twitter account credentials. Please have a short look about … Read more