Erase Tweets: Everything You Need To Do

A photograph of someone in blue jeans and black boots holding an iPhone 6 with a blue screen open.

In some circumstances, it could become pertinent to erase tweets from a Twitter account. Users do this for several different reasons. First, they do this to convert the Twitter account from one use to another. For instance, the aim could be converting a Twitter account for personal use. People also wipe their tweets because those … Read more

How to Request Twitter Archive In A Few Easy Steps

There are many reasons why you would want to request and download your Twitter archive. You might want to cancel your account and have a smaller social media presence. Or, you just want to sift through all your tweets, direct messages and other data. Whatever your reason for wanting to request and download your Twitter … Read more

Upload your Twitter archive

    After you reached successful the TweetEraser statuses page and your last most recent tweets has been loaded you’ll see at the top of the page the stauses menu.         Before you can upload your Twitter archive into TweetEraser you have to request your archive from Twitter. Just go to your … Read more

Welcome to TweetEraser

Nowadays every good web application should offer at least some kind of Howto’s. Some people are using a blog to provide their visitors with hopefully useful information. For TweetEraser, I would like to use the possibilities of a blog to provide you with – well, hopefully useful information – around why and how to use … Read more