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Twitter Followers: The Blueprint To Boost Your Online Reach

The word audience on a whiteboard with arrows pointing towards it.

Twitter followers directly influence your authority and credibility on the platform. A higher number of followers acts as a form of social proof, increasing your online reach. This guide breaks down why your follower count is more than a statistic. It extensively covers various talking points to highlight this metric’s true importance. Let’s learn everything … Read more

Can I Change My Twitter Handle? Learn All You Need To Know

An image of Twitter’s bird depicted in grey on a rounded white surface.

Your Twitter handle is the unique name that identifies your account. It accompanies all activities and engagements from your account, such as your tweets, likes, and replies. You must choose a Twitter handle and display name when registering a new Twitter account. However, as a unique identifier, it’s only reasonable that you want to keep … Read more

Twitter DMCA: How To Prevent and Stop Copyright Infringement

A notebook with an empty list containing four points.

From July 2021 to December 2021, Twitter received over 150,000 takedown notices. During this period, these requests affected more than 600,000 accounts. The social media world is full of these copyright notices, as content is the currency on these platforms. Twitter does recognize the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). When the platform receives a report, … Read more

How To Reset Twitter Algorithm: Controlling Your Timeline

A picture of someone holding a white paper with the word 'Twitter' written on it.

In the past, Twitter had many users confused about how its algorithm operated. The platform depended on a functional algorithm to work perfectly. Most users couldn’t grasp how to use it to their advantage. However, the systems changed recently, and they can now adjust to their preference. Nonetheless, some people are still confused about how … Read more