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What Is a Twitter Circle? Sharing Private Posts With Friends

Ochai Emmanuel

August 27, 2024 | 6 min read

To improve privacy on Twitter, now X, veteran tweeps use the Twitter circle to share posts with a select crowd. However, if you haven’t used this feature, you may wonder, “What is a Twitter circle?” 

The X circle is a new and exciting feature that allows you to control who sees your post. Anyone can create and manage a Twitter circle. Using Twitter circles lets you control your post, determining how far it circulates. Keep reading to learn everything about this exciting X feature!

A gray cube on a black background with the X logo depicted on it.

What Is a Circle on Twitter?

A Twitter circle is a feature that allows X users to create smaller groups on the platform. The primary purpose of Twitter circles is to facilitate private interaction and content sharing with circle members. 

Only circle members can see and engage in posts shared in the Circle. Twitter restricts the sharing and reposting of circle tweets, so you can rest assured of the privacy of a circle tweet. 

However, belonging to a Twitter circle does not restrict all your posts to that Circle. If you have a circle or belong to one, you can choose where to share your tweet when composing one. You can share a tweet with your Circle or Everyone, but always confirm your choice before sharing. 

Who Can Join a Twitter Circle?

Any Twitter user can create a Twitter circle and add any other X user. You don’t need a Twitter user to follow you before you can add them to your Circle. However, a tweep can only belong to one Circle on X. Once part of a circle, you cannot join another until you exit the first. 

Additionally, Twitter only allows 150 members in a circle. Only creators of a Twitter circle can add members to the Circle. You cannot add other users to someone’s Circle as a circle member. 

Nevertheless, you can leave a circle anytime, especially when exposed to harmful content. You only need to unfollow or block the person who added you to the Circle to do so. Notwithstanding, you can always follow the user again after deciding to leave the Circle. 

How To Edit a Twitter Circle

The creator and owner of a Twitter circle has full authority to manage, edit, and control the Circle. Twitter will not interfere, provided the Circle’s activities adhere to X community guidelines. 

So, if you own a circle, you may wonder how to edit a Twitter circle. The two primary ways to edit an X circle are to add and remove members. This section outlines how to do these in simple steps. 

How To Add to a Twitter Circle

As mentioned above, your Circle can have up to 150 tweeps. After creating one, you can edit your X circle periodically to add members and increase your private audience. 

Below are the five steps to edit your X circle and add members: 

  1. Tap your profile avatar in the top left corner of the homepage to reveal the X menu.
  2. Choose Twitter Circle from the menu. 
  3. Once opened, tap Recommended in the top right corner. This tab lists some followers you can add to your Circle. 
  4. Navigate the list and click the Add option beside any follower you wish to add. 
  5. Click Done below in the black highlight to save your edits.

These five simple steps show how to add to a Twitter circle seamlessly. You can also find and add other tweeps and non-followers using the search bar at the top. Simply search the user using their Twitter handle. The user will pop up on the list, allowing you to add them to your Circle. 

How To Remove Users From a Twitter Circle

Twitter circles are not simple hubs for content but a feature for building closer connections among members. However, you may find content creators misusing the Circle for disruptive purposes. 

When this happens, it’s usually best to edit your Circle to remove such tweeps. This action is important to maintain the purpose of your Circle. 

Here are the five steps to remove a user from your Twitter circle:

  1. Open the Twitter navigation menu by sliding your X homepage from left to right. 
  2. Tap Twitter Circle. Your X circle will open to the Edit your Twitter Circle page. 
  3. Navigate the Twitter Circle tab to find the user(s) you want to remove. 
  4. Once found, tap the Remove button beside the user on the list. 
  5. Select Done, highlighted in black at the page’s bottom, to save your edits.
A photo of a brown pawn excluded from a group of red pawns huddled together.

What Is a Twitter Circle? The Difference From a Twitter Interactions Circle

The X Circle and the X interaction circle are Twitter terminologies, highlighting distinct features. To learn the difference, you must know what an X Circle and an Interaction Circle are. 

This article has discussed the X Circle in detail thus far. So, what is a Twitter Interactions Circle

The X Interactions Circle is a Twitter feature that shows an X user’s connection with another user on the platform. Twitter usually gleans this connection from regular X activities like Likes, reposts, mentions, and replies. 

So, the X circle is a community-like feature for sharing private posts with a select group. In contrast, the interactions circle is a feature that tracks your connection with other users on X. 


FAQ: How do I use a Twitter Circle?

You can use a Twitter circle to share posts with specific individuals instead of the public on X. This option is available to you after creating an X circle or when someone adds you to one. 

FAQ: Is my Twitter Circle private?

Yes, your X circle is private to you and its members. Twitter does not allow retweeting circle posts to a wider audience. However, ensure you add only trustworthy tweeps because anyone can screenshot and repost circle tweets. 

FAQ: What happens to my Circle when I deactivate Twitter?

Twitter usually clears your X data after 30 days of deactivating your account. That includes your tweets, Likes, and account information. So, your Twitter circle will dissolve when you deactivate Twitter.

Should You Create a Private X Account or Clear Your Twitter Timeline?

Unfortunately, X disabled the Twitter Circle feature on 31st October 2023. Since then, many tweeps have sought ways to share posts privately without risking uncontrolled circulation. 

Currently, the best way to share posts privately on X is to make your Twitter private and hide your posts. This way, only your followers can see your posts. Tweeps who joined X recently never enjoyed the X Circle feature and kept wondering, “What is a Twitter circle?” However, a private X account allows you to enjoy the same privacy level. 

Nevertheless, going private does not entirely secure your posts. Remember, your followers can always screenshot. 

So, regularly maintain your X account and use TweetEraser to bulk-delete tweets. This tool helps you remove questionable posts from your account without a trace. You can even import them directly to your archive with this tool. It is easy to use, affordable, and secure. So, choose TweetEraser and start filtering your Twitter timeline today!

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